Friday, 17 February 2012

Psalm 16: Living all the days of my life

By Chantalle Wookey

Keep me safe, O God, I've run for dear life to you. I say to God, "Be my Lord!" .......Without you, nothing makes sense.......My choice is you, God, first and only....Day and night I'll stick with God; I've got a good thing going and I'm not letting go. 

Sometimes I feel like life is passing me by, like I have somehow really missed the boat or taken a wrong turning somewhere.

Am I the only one who feels like this?

I have definite days and even some longer periods of time when I just feel like I am muddling through life with a nagging and unshakable sense that something isn’t quite right, that I really am missing something somehow.

The truth is so much of the time I KNOW that I should be experiencing life more profoundly than I do. It is like there is a life I am destined to live and then the reality of the life I find myself in. The problem I so often face is how to transition from the version of my ‘life’ I so often find myself living to the one I feel I am missing.

A few of the things that I have done to change my life include changing my body through diet and exercise, changing my postcode, changing my church, changing my job, trying to meet new people and traveling to exotic and exciting places.

I am not saying there is anything wrong with these things, in fact these are good if done in the right context and for the right reasons. The truth is though that none of these things in themselves will lead you or me to the fullness of life we so desperately seek.

The simple reality is this: I am created for God. You are created for God. We are created for worship. It is only in a life of loving Him above all else that we will be satisfied. This life of worship is the version of “Me” and “You” that longs to be born.

Psalm 16 describes this life and how to get there. Apart from God we have no good thing. It is only in a life of worship, one that is immersed in the presence of God, with him at the centre that we can find real joy and un-fleeting pleasure (v11).

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