Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Psalm 147: He thunders and whispers

by Sean Theunissen

Psalm 147 (NIV)

I'm so glad to be finishing my last psalm blog with this one, it's incredible. It describes the wonders of God, switching from universality (the big stuff) to particularity (the small, seemingly insignificant us). 

Here's the particular:
  • He gathers the outcast
  • Heals the heartbroken, bandages their wounds
  • Puts the fallen on their feet again and pushes the wicked into the ditch
  • He's not impressed with horsepower and mans' muscles
  • Those who fear God get God's attention
  • Jerusalem, he makes your city secure, blesses your children, keeps peace at your borders
  • Puts the best on your table
  • Launches his promises earthward
  • He hand picked us for relationship

Here's the universal:
  • Counts the stars, assigns each a name
  • He is great with limitless strength, we'll never comprehend
  • Fills the sky with clouds, preparing rain for the earth
  • Then turns the mountains green with grass
  • Feeding cattle and crows
  • He spreads snow like a white fleece, frost like ashes, hail like birdseed
  • Who can survive his winter, yet he breaths on it and it melts.

A lot of people only believe God is capable of the first lot of actions: He meets us on a human level; sympathises with our weakness; He's a friend; a confidant, but possibly lacks power to really change a situation, maybe He's not in full control against the powers of evil all around us.

Others only believe Him to be a powerful force, stronger and bigger than anyone can comprehend, creator of all things, but aloof from the micro. Angry at times and striking out randomly against His creation.

Here we get a reminder of the fulness of our God: He reveals and conceals, invites and hides, confounds and confides, He thunders and whispers, terrifies and befriends, God of the smallest detail and the grandest design, called in to being the tree He later hung on.

We have the ultimate God, he used His power to save us and now gently sanctifies us, making us ready for an eternity in his pure and holy presence. 

Lord thank you for showing yourself through these psalms, I've so enjoyed getting to know You or be reminded of your awesome attributes. Be glorified and honoured as we offer our lives in praise to You.

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