Friday 30 March 2012

Psalm 52: Sticks and stones

By Chantalle Wookey

Psalm 52 (NIV)

Growing up, I vividly remember many conversations with my parents over the playground chant, ‘Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me’. From a young age I came to the conclusion that this was nonsense. That when people said mean things it really did hurt.

Words are powerful. Words can tear down or build up. Encouraging words can change the outlook of a day. But lies hurt. Deception hurts. Sin is evil. That includes verbal sin. The evil tongue and malicious words are hugely condemned in this psalm. Many of us may never see the kind of physical destruction we read about in the Old Testament – it is just not a part of our daily lives. However, destruction by the tongue often is. It is something we will probably receive from others and will have to examine ourselves on.

Despite this as 'good Christian people' it feels totally culturally taboo to wish ill on others. So as I have looked at the Psalm I have struggled with its challenge - v5 God will break you down forever; he will snatch and tear you from your tent; he will uproot you from the land of the living. Eek!

As I have dwelled on this it has seemed more obvious to me. There is a good way to live and a bad way to live. Yes, you can get ahead using deceit, treachery and lies. (I’m sure we’ve all been the recipients or perpetrators of this, no one teaches their kids to lie yet as a teacher I haven’t met many that don’t). The truth of this Psalm is that in the end, these things will provide no refuge. So, as David says, it is better to live a life of trust in God’s steadfast love.

This Psalm is meant to teach us something. Words of evil against us should bring us to a point of trust in the love of God for us. Trust in God should be our response to harmful words.

Trusting in God makes us as an olive tree, well rooted, standing the test of time. Verse 8 tells us David trusts in the steadfast love of God "forever and ever."

But there is more. David TRUSTS in the love of God but he also THANKS and WAITS on God. He is not reactionary. I know I have not enjoyed waiting out many difficult situations this year. One of which being a colleague with a fiery temper, fearing the consequences of retaliation. Slander behind the back, things whispered that simply aren't true. I’m sure you too have experienced periods of painful waiting. The question is in situations where words hurt what should we do?



WAIT on God

God is Sovereign, He is just and He'll bring about the end that most glorifies Him.

"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." I have partly changed my mind. Words do hurt but this saying hints at a greater truth. It is an annoyingly pithy saying that I still don’t like, but the truth is we have a God, our Father who loves us and His love and justice endure despite the evil of others... forever and ever.

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