Saturday 9 June 2012

Psalm 113: From pauper to prince

By Helen Southey

This Psalm is yet another wonderful circle of praise, starting and ending upon its key note – PRAISE THE LORD!

For me though, the verses that always jump out are the verses that are nearest to my heart – (v7 and 8)…the poor the needy, the homeless.

I was not brought up in a wealthy family, far from it. My parents never owned their own home, a new car, TV – even central heating! Yet God always provided even in the hardest times, sometimes at the last minute and often in miraculous ways. Yet compared to many we had so much and I can remember my dad bringing home a very wet , smelly tramp to dry out in front of our fire, fed by my mum and sent off with my dad’s coat, who then got told off by my mum because it meant he didn’t have one!

V 7-8 shows just how near to God’s heart the lowly are (including that old tramp) and I simply love that about our heavenly father. In His eyes our value has no relation to our wealth or our position in the world or even church. God uses the most humble and lowly of beginnings to achieve greatness in His kingdom and He supersedes the social orders of our world. Look at how He chose simple fishermen to become fishers of men.

It makes me stop and think how do I treat the unwanted in society? Do I treat them as people who really have value or just as people needing help?

Yet our God who (v4) is higher than anything and anyone, who outshines everything, who is incomparably and majestically enthroned, picks them up and doing nothing by halves, is not content til he places them among the princes of His kingdom.

Maybe we should start seeing these loved ones through God’s eyes, and see their potential with specific positions and futures in our church family.

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