Thursday 14 June 2012

Psalm 117: Always Faithful

By Andi Norton

Psalm 117 (NIV)

Praise the Lord, all you nations;
extol him, all you peoples.
For great is his love toward us,
and the faithfulness of the Lord endures forever.
Praise the Lord.
(vs 1,2)
Most likely the smallest psalm of all the psalms, but the gift of thanks giving shouted in these few lines is a big declaration.

We sing it day in day out of a god whose for us, who is our provider who is ALWAYS FAITHFUL.

Priscilla's blog on Tuesday is one which stirs my heart with the challenges that we as Christians face on a daily basis, and it's in these challenges that you and I face I stop and thank God that He is faithful. I thank Him that He has a plan for us, not to bring us harm but a future we can hope for, and no matter what the trial we face He promises a face to face invite to the banqueting table, and that He is faithful to His word.

Most of you will know when I met Nikki, I was working as a volunteer, no money, no house (I was lodging with a kind member of the church I was serving) and had no future job.

So when faced with getting married and the months whizzing by and no sign of any jobs in youthwork, I got on my knees and prayed (logical response, but was actually my last action).

I remembering saying to God i needed something handed to me on a platter, and you know what?
Three days later I got a phone call from the Director of Bournemouth YMCA offering me job for 3-months in the lead-up to the wedding. When we left for our honeymoon, we wondered what would happen when we came back but we knew that God would be faithful. On my return they offered a permanent position which came with a accommodation and reasonable salary for us to start our lives together.

Time after time God has stepped in when I've prayed, showing that He is faithful, that He is trust-worthy. On our Friday morning gatherings together we press in and ask God to move, and we are seeing Him doing just that.

If we pursue Godly ambitions and desires God will pour out His Spirit, for He is faithful.
Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.
Proverbs 16:3

We have much to thank our God for His love towards us, His faithfulness, for I cry out to the Lord and He heard me. You're Always Faithful and true - Let's us shout it aloud!

Spend a few minutes listen to this amazing truth:

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