Thursday 21 June 2012

Psalm 119:97-120: Who needs a map?

by Andi Norton

Psalm 119:97-120 (NIV) 

I had mixed feelings of long road trips with the family when I was younger. I used to look forward to getting to the destination, making camp and enjoying endless ice-creams and splashing in the sea, but I dreaded the journey. One because, being the youngest, I would be left to sit in the middle of the car, feeling carsick most the way, and two, there was always an argument as my mother would get frustrated with my father when they took a wrong turning for the 100th time and finally admitted we were lost.

It would be at this point someone would say - Where's the map?

In today's technological age where we are blessed (or not so in many cases) with Sat-Nav, we regularly find ourselves relying on google maps to guide our route and show us the way.

The same is true of our spiritual journey we need God to mark our way, guide us, to light our path (Psalm 119:105) and get us to that final destination.

If we fail to use the wonderful gift He's given us, how much harder does the journey become?

If we choose to not only use the gift of His guide (and by this point we know I mean His word, the Bible) but to study it, to meditate on it (Psalm 119: 97-104) we get a clearer picture of where we are going, how to get there, what to do if we are faced with "a cow on the country road" (challenges) and our journey can become one of greater faith that we will reach our destination.

We can have hope in His promises, in the truth of His word, we will not become disheartened, we will be empowered to tackle any challenges with faith as we remind ourselves of how He has overcome all of them for us already.

We are so blessed to live by the sea and occasionally as in these words (Psalm 119:97 - mem: meaning meditating by waters) I like to go and meditate on God's word in the beautiful surroundings we live in.

Let's take time to stop, it is an attitude response to remind ourselves to get into God's word, for when we do we don't only get a better picture of where we are going, but of the one who is showing us the way.

Lord forgive me when I strive on in this journey you've called me to with you on my own. Thank You for your word, which is a lamp unto our feet. As we meditate on it, would you reveal more of yourself to us, direct us, shape us, mould us and fill us with faith for the journey ahead.

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