Saturday 30 June 2012

Psalm 126: Happy face Sunday

by Peter Roxburgh

When the Lord brought back the captives to Zion,
we were like men who dreamed.
Our mouths were filled with laughter,
our tongues with songs of joy.
Then it was said among the nations,
“The Lord has done great things for them.”
The Lord has done great things for us,
and we are filled with joy. (v1-3)

Hudson learnt how to change DVDs at a very early age. Sadly for him, his parents are not so good at remembering where the remotes last were. So there are numerous times when Hudson has put his chosen DVD in and then has to spend the next few minutes looking for the TV and DVD remote controls. 

Every time he finds them though he has a massive smile on his face and comes running to me or Priscilla with the remote in his hand shouting "FIND IT! I FIND IT!"

It is at times like that we understand why Jesus wanted us to be more like little children. I am aware that as I have grown up (no smart comments required), I have lost much of the simple joys of life. 

But I would be more worried if stopped finding joy in what God has done for me or my family. In this Psalm the Israelites are remembering how God brought the captives back. They remember all the things that God has done for them and their natural response is JOY!

Someone once commented that some Christians look so miserable that they must've been baptised in lemon juice! I find it strange that so many look so grimaced during times of worship. I know we're 'concentrating', but worship songs help us remember the amazing things God has done for us - "ransomed, healed, restored, forgiven ...oh He saved us." 

The challenge is that we can get so blasé about the songs that we sing and the rituals that we go through that we lose out on the joy in worship. If you want to know whether you have become blasé and are just going through ritual, the next time you are in a worship setting, ask your face if it is the face of someone who has been ransomed, healed, restored and forgiven. 

My challenge to myself and to us is that we be more like a little child at church. This week, if it helps you think about the words we sing, don't sing. Just listen to the words, meditate on what God has done, and allow your heart, face, hands, feet and body to respond in JOY!

Fellow worshippers, if we cannot be joyful in our worship, when we sing songs about the most amazing things that have and will ever happen to us, then where and when else will we find joy?

The Lord has done great things for us! Let us respond in joy. And remember joy is always visible and infectious! 

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