Monday 28 May 2012

Psalm 102: Fancy a Gin and Tonic with a tears mixer!

By Andy Flood

Psalm 102 (NIV) 

This guy is in bits! He can't eat, can't sleep and even his drink is mingled with his tears! His heart's cry is that God will hear him, if he could bend the ear of the Creator then perhaps he'll get some peace.

I think sometimes we can feel like we're stuck in a rut with our relationship with God, we feel as though we're coming to Him with the same old problems. It would be easy to believe the lie that would whisper in your ear, "He's heard it all before, don't bother Him, He's just not interested."

But the awesome truth is He IS interested, and it's NO bother for Him. He's got time for you and your problems even if its the one hundredth time you've brought to Him.

As you read through the Psalm, it wouldn't seem as thought the psalmist's situation changes at all, but his gaze is. It's lifted to the eternal God, enthroned forever to the One who never ever changes.

So bring your concerns, your complaints, your sorrows and your joys, because He wants them all, trust Him with them, He has time for you. because when He looks at you He doesn't see a useless sack of flesh. He sees a son or a daughter, someone He has paid the highest price for, to restore a real loving and living realtionship with.

1 comment:

  1. I am not sure why I am posting. I am not here to be rude or trying to disturb the hive. I feel a overwhelming need to write and possibly get a discussion going. I have a few friends who are Christian/Muslim and have been taking and debating about religion and God. When I was younger I went to the same Evangelical church as Andy Norton and I used to be a strong believer.

    Then as I studied biology, history, etc I found that the claims made by the bible were false/contradicted what is now fact. Going through the bible there are glaring contradictions throughout. Also there are horrific stories of God's taste for blood sacrifice and human misery. When you walkthrough the book and look at the bigger picture of how the bible was put together. It is obviously man made, not the work/writings of an omnipotent being,

    This leads me onto why people put some much time and energy into something that is not the word of God. You say God is loving, kind and has time for you because that what it says in the Bible. If you actually looked at the world you will notice that God is completely the opposite; cruel. unkind and possibly impotent. Which ironically, accurately describes Mr Yahweh if you read the OT. How many prayers form parents were unanswered when the tsunami struck? How many children died in terror? I fail to see how God is interested in human life when his 'actions' indicate the opposite what you are advocating.

    I wish you all the best,

