Wednesday 23 May 2012

Psalm 98: Music with a purpose

By Sean Theunissen

If ever there is a psalm to show the significance of music in worship, it's this one. This psalm is so wonderfully set out, centering on the praise of Almighty God. In a way you can see it broken down in to why, how, and who.

We start with why: 
  • He has done marvellous things 
  • His right hand and holy arm have worked salvation 
  • He has revealed his righteousness 
  • He has remembered his love and faithfulness to Israel 

Then we move on to how:
  • Shout for joy 
  • Burst into jubilant song with music 
  • Make music to the Lord with the harp, singing, trumpet, ram's horn 

Then who:
  • Let the sea resound and everything in it 
  • The world and all who live in it 
  • Let the rivers clap their hands, the mountains sing for joy 

To me this psalm epitomises the significance of music in worship. Music is such an incredible gift from God to the world. It has the power to lift you out of depression, or put you in it. It has the power to disarm a mob or supercharge an army. But best of all, God commands us to use it for His praise. What incredible power, God's words of truth mixed with the beautiful gift of music, what incredible potential and what a mighty responsibility for God's chosen musicians.

I therefore appeal to all you gifted musicians and singers, God has singled you out to take the truth of God (the why section) and encourage God's people to passionately, wholeheartedly and unrestrainedly declare that truth. Not to get people to sing out of a sense of duty or default, or because they're forced to, or just because they're being polite or loyal. But because God's word is true and living, and the music God's giving you to write, to arrange, to harmonise, to orchestrate has the potential for being beautiful and fitting and relevant for declaring such truths.
I'm so privileged to play music week-in week-out with such amazingly gifted musicians, but sometimes in the week-in week-out, or even day-in day-out, I can forget the privilege, I might bring what I can get away with rather than 100% of the gift. Let's remember the calling God's put on us, what a responsibility: Enabling God's children to praise; to declare truth; to surrender back their lives; to bring a sacrifice of praise.

I know that we only facilitate, the Spirit does the revealing, the awakening, the convicting, the transforming, the regenerating. But I'm going to facilitate to the best of my ability, I'm going to offer the whole gift, not because I'm repaying a debt, that's impossible, but because for this moment the privilege is mine.

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