Thursday 24 May 2012

Psalm 99: Prayer, Persistence, Power

By Andi Norton
Psalm 99 (NIV) 

We've all heard it, we've all seen it, but often we we can doubt it, yes this is prayer.
Many of us know stories of great healing, miraculous provision, bondage's broken in the name of Jesus in prayer, some of us first hand.
Myself I have had great things come out of prayer: God has provided a job and a house when Nikki and I got married, a new job when we had Daniel, miraculous financial provision in times of desperate need.
One faith-filled cell night when I was struggling with severe eczema, the group laid hands on me and within a couple of days it had completely gone and I've never had eczema to that severity again.
But what about the times when our prayers aren't answered, when we wait and wait and yet nothing. Our thoughts can be one of "Is God even listening!".
We know from these words God is listening, and he want's justice for these injustices we face personally and throughout our world, and he will answer, maybe not always when we want it, but He DOES answers.

Moses and Aaron were among his priests,
Samuel was among those who called on his name;
they called on the Lord
and he answered them.

Friends of my parents in Kansas told us of a story in which they were praying about the issue of abortion in their nation, day and night they interceded (prayed) for God to step in and do something radical. Day and night they persisted. A week went, nothing, A month-nothing, and so on. Then on the 365th day, on the news they announced that several cities including Kansas were setting a law in place to ban abortions and to close clinics.

God does hear, but we must persist, to reach out with the things that are on God's heart, to fight and seek justice from God.

We see in these verses that God is Mighty and He is Holy, but He cares about the little and the great and that He does answer. but we must persist.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. Phillipians 4:6

We are seeing great things happen in our times of worship together, and we persist with our times of prayer for this. Often we find when we meet on a Friday mornings that our hearts in a united place as we press into pray. God is stirring a heart of intercession, to draw men and women to stand in the gap and intercede for the injustices in our community/world that are on his heart.

Do you believe there is Power in the name of Jesus, that He cares, He listens, and He is ready to respond?

Lord, thank you for the gift of prayer, to come and speak with you. Would you give us faith to step out not just in the quiet place but on the street, in the work place to grab the opportunities you give us to see lives transformed in the power of Your name.

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