Monday 9 April 2012

Psalm 60: Lose you car keys, again?

By Dave Ashley

If I was to give everyone in the church one tip to improve their prayer life it would be this - lose your car keys.
Seriously, how many people have you seen invoking the Holy Spirit along with all the heavenly hosts  because they've misplaced their keys or wallet before they need to rush out of the door. It does make for an interesting litmus to show what exactly we're expecting from God.
Perhaps more worrying though is people who want to chalk every bad experience in their life to a, "spiritual attack."
This is by no means to cheapen the fact that we have an enemy and we are in a battle, but going into intense spiritual warfare because you've hit three red lights in a row or attempting to cast the spirit of darkness out of the traffic jam impeding your progress is not as cute as it sounds, its worrying that people would actually think this way.
Compare this with how David responds in the psalms. Here is an extremely literal enemy that is coming against Israel and yet David's transaction, his whole dialogue is with God, is as if he doesn't even see the enemy as the issue.
David doesn't seem to be asking God to save him from the nasty people calling him names and burning his crops - he's imploring God himself to move.
Our circumstances are all under God's control, he doesn't drop the ball or lose concentration. It's not about taking a fatalistic approach where what will be will be - God will just let whatever happen - but instead living in such a trusting reliance on God that rather than fretting over circumstances around us like beating at bush fires, we get on our knees before the Father and implore Him to move. Our victory is in Him - not in our ability to problem solve or fire-fight on our own.

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