Saturday 14 April 2012

Psalm 65: Getting lost

By Tom Bettinson
Psalm 65 (NIV)

Being overwhelmed is a feeling I associate with fear. Something that happens when I lose control over a situation - sometimes panic, get frustrated, feel isolated.

Google defines the word "overwhelmed" as something that has been "buried or drowned beneath a huge mass". I can relate to this.

I was seven or eight years old, out shopping with my Mum in my local town centre. I had been pestering her all day for a new pack of Pokemon cards (the hype had just swept the entire school) and threw a strop when she persisted in not letting me have any. I turned on my heel and dashed away from her while she was queuing at the checkout, weaving in and out of shoppers. My rebellion made me feel free. I wasn't going to get new Pokemon cards, but I was free from the one who stopped me from getting my own way, and that was good enough for me. Upon exiting the shop, I realised I had no plan. With people barging past me, I looked left and right and realised I was lost. I rushed back into the shop in search of Mum, but she wasn't there. Then the panic set in. I can't find my way home. Where's Mum? Where should I go? I'm stupid. Why did I run away? - I was drowning in a mass of fear.

"When we were overwhelmed by sins,
you forgave our transgressions."

It was only after reading through the Psalm three times that I noticed the prominence of this verse. Jesus transforms us from sinful to sinless, despite being OVERWHELMED by sin. And the beauty of Jesus' message is that we are STILL forgiven. This verse doesn't just apply to David.

We have a God who chooses us (v.4), answers us (v.5) and cares for us (v.9).

David paints a beautiful picture of God's creation and His provision. I think verse 5 sums it up brilliantly:
"You answer us with awesome and righteous deeds, God our Saviour". 
Thank you God our Saviour, the one who forgives us and loves us so dearly. Thanks for blessing us, caring for us and providing for us. Please open our eyes to truly appreciate the ways in which you fulfil your promises. Amen.
P.S. For those of you that want to know, here's the end of my little anecdote: I bumped into a family friend who took me to the help desk section of shopping centre and got a shout out for my Mum on the tannoy system. Embarrassing ending to a true story.

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